Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Sacred Journey by Charles Foster

This is an excellent thought-provoking book. From the first words of the chapter, I realized that I would be on a trip of thoughtfulness and I was proved right. The idea of pilgrimage lures and repels different readers but the author manages to give ideas to anyone who is truly seeking to explore the subject.

As I finished the book, I thought of the most unforgettable passages for me personally and these are the three areas that I intend to pursue further: "thin places", synchronicity, and the words "Every pilgrim's step is a step toward his childhood." Each area of searching should lead me on new pilgrimages of faith-building. As someone who has traveled extensively, I found his words so true about Jerusalem and Rome and the Holy Land. And yet, the book is also geared to the person who will not or cannot leave the confines of home and the author spends many chapters addressing the person who searches in a solitary manner.

There are several constant strains which run through the book. One is that Jesus was constantly on the move and commanded his followers to follow him. The reader is asked to move also and not be content with the status-quo of the religious experience. A verse quoted often in the text is "Seek and Ye Shall Find." Where should you go? the author asks and then goes on to answer, "Follow your heart."

The person who skips "The Sacred Journey" and reads all the other Ancient Practices Series will miss a real confrontation with his inner self. It is an excellent book on a subject that has not been exhausted by other writers. I continue to reflect upon its messages and shall re-read it often.

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